poniedziałek, 22 sierpnia 2016

The enthusiasts of teaching

It may seem that THIS kind of problem only concerns people who are going to learn a foreign language. It is of course the question of HOW to do it, no matter whether you wish to master English, German, Spanish or any other language. When you want to learn something new or just improve your foregoing skills, you always look for the most efficient way to do it. 

But what about people whose job and passion is to transmit their knowledge to other people? Yes! They always look for the best way, too. As you probably suspect, there is not one 'perfect' way of teaching. There are many different factors such as the teacher's skills, disposition, experience and attitude towards students and – last, but not least – THE METHOD of teaching. 
You should check up on various methods in order to find out which one is the most suitable for you as a teacher as well as effective for your students or customers. We would like to present to you a tried and tested method of teaching languages: the direct method, on which the coursebooks published by the Direct Language Lab team are based.

The basic purpose of this method is to encourage students to overcome their fear of speaking, from the very first lesson. Just take a look at the video below to find out more about the direct method:  

Direct Language Lab publishes direct method coursebooks for teaching languages (English, German, Spanish, French and Russian) with carefully selected subject areas, interesting questions and useful vocabulary. Students can also practise the correct pronunciation and revise the material at home or on the go, thanks to MP3 CDs which accompany coursebooks. Watch the video to find out more about our books for different languages and age groups:

The direct method is used by language teachers and learners all over the world. The materials for teaching designed by Direct Language Lab are currently available in language schools in over 30 countries. Thousands of satisfied customers are the best proof that the Direct Language Lab coursebooks based on the principles of the direct method bring expected results to both students and teachers.